Predilnica Lita d.o.o. has successfully obtained co-financing for the research and development project titled “Development of technical textiles from recycled fibers” in the public tender of the European Union – Next Generation EU.
The project has started on 1St November 2022. Predilnica Litia d.o.o. is the main consortium partner, working on the project together with company Tekstina d.o.o
The aim of the project is to extend sustainable practices to the field of technical textiles by developing blends of recycled and bio-based fibers in the production of protective clothing. The textiles developed as part of the project will not need additional finishing and dyeing processes, which significantly burden the environment with polluted wastewater.
The purpose of the project is the transition to a circular economy, which enables many contributions including preservation of natural resources, reduction of harmful effects of waste generation, carbon footprint, and consumption of water and dyes in production of textiles.
The project “Development of technical textiles from recycled fibers” is co-financed by the European Union from the Next Generation EU fund and is part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The project was awarded a subsidy within the framework of the Public Tender “Incentives for research and development projects of NOO (RRI-NOO-36119725-94 RECYCLED FIBER).
Total value of the project: 693,999.36 EUR
Value of EU co-financing: 299,999.71 EUR
Project duration: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2024
Link -> https://www.gov.si/zbirke/projekti-in-programi/nacrt-za-okrevanje-in-odpornost/